by Sharon Manning
Before I had a crock pot or even a cast iron skillet, my pressure cooker was my pan of choice. It cooked fast through pressure and had a rocker on top that allowed steam to release if the pressure got too high. Still you had to be really careful not to let it overheat or it could explode. Then you had to be sure to cool the cooker sufficiently (often by running cold water over the lid) before opening or you could be badly burnt by the release of the steam from the cooker. And I have had a few blow on me.
Problems, fears and anger can build up pressure within us in the same way it built up in my pressure cooker. They too are dangerous. I have found only one way that really takes the pressure off me is to vent. That is right, I let the steam off by releasing those thoughts and fears to JESUS 2 Corinthians 10:5 and then thanking HIM.
I thank HIM not because it makes sense but simply because HE tells me to.
In everything give thanks, for this is the will of GOD in Christ JESUS concerning you. I Thessalonians 5:18
Note: the verse says give thanks, not feel thanks.
Over 40 years ago, I was struggling badly with compounded problems and a stranger challenged me to try for 1 week to stop every time I got upset and to give GOD thanks as an experiment. I did and it really worked. It changed my life.
Recently, compounded serious situations arose. One thing on top of another and one involved- who was under the load- was seriously struggling with the weight and hopelessness of it all. Then we prayed, releasing it to GOD and thanking HIM… immediately I saw the pressure lift off of her, I saw a calmness- the very peace of GOD come over her, just like HE promises.
Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
How can we thank GOD in everything? Well, I have found I thank HIM for different things at different times. I began, 40+ years ago by thanking HIM for a hurtful situation. Some may say that is not right but I think I was led to do so for GOD used that situation years later to help another just like scripture says 2 Corinthians 1:4
Here are some other things I thank HIM for: I thank HIM that I have access to come and talk to HIM and for my salvation. I thank GOD because HE is there for me Hebrews 13:5 ; I thank HIM because cares & even tells me to come vent Matthew 11:28; I thank HIM because HE understands & feels with me & will help cope Hebrews 4:15,16; I thank HIM because HE is actively conspiring to use whatever my situation is along with other things for an end result of good in conforming me to the image of JESUS Romans 8:28,29;I thank HIM because HE is achieving for me through the problems I thank HIM because the situation is temporary 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; I thank HIM for HIS promises & that they all have a guarantee- HIS faithfulness ; I thank HIM cause HE is my Provider; I thank HIM for HIS gifts of faith, and grace all things that pertain to life and godliness; I thank HIM for enabling me 2 Peter 1:1-4 I thank HIM for knowing what HE is doing and for loving me. Zephaniah 3:17 I thank HIM that HE has a plan & is in control. And as Bill and Sharon Olson, dear friends says, I thank HIM for what HE has done and what HE is doing and will do in the situation.
Even after all this time knowing the way and seeing it work over and over and over again, still it is not always a natural reaction for me to give thanks when troubles come. For the enemies taunts me. At those times I must make a deliberate choice to turn to GOD and let my requests be made known with the weapon of thanksgiving… when I do, HIS peace always envelopes me!