by Ron Haley
There is evil afoot with the FDA, and they have most certainly lost their collective minds.
If a farmer wishes to produce Organic produce, he must jump through hoops to prove that he is producing food in the manner that it has almost always been produced, employing the natural methods, using natural fertilizers and other nutrients, etc. Then he is required to place special markings on his product to prove that he has done all of this.
Now, look at the other side of this lopsided equation. Monsanto and the rest of the money hungry GMO producing companies of the world, may hack the heck out of the natural foods that they, in their minds, must believe our Creator messed up on. They can rip out portions of the DNA, whatever they determine are the offending genes, and then splice into the empty place, genes from animals, other plants, and probably artificially altered genes, to "improve" the produce that they must consider God did a bad job of creating. They may then put these Frankenfoods on the market without a single indication of what they've done to it. You have no idea what you are getting at the market, when it comes to GMO foods. Doesn't quite seem fair now, does it?