Contributed by Tricia Pollock
Spoken by Jackson Pollock
Out of the mouth of my 10 year old babe:
Spoken by Jackson Pollock
Out of the mouth of my 10 year old babe:
This week, we have been reading the first 5 chapters of Exodus and discussing how our family came out of spiritual Egypt, heading to the Promised Land, just like the Israelites were preparing to come out of physical Egypt and into the Promised Land. We talked about the things we left behind in Egypt (Christmas, Easter, Sunday Worship, false teachings, entertainment, etc.) finally finding the Truth.
So this morning Jackson and I were having a conversation we have often: we were talking about leaving Egypt and how we are to prepare for Yeshua's coming, and for the things prophesied to occur before that happens...and how His people will be tested to see what is really in their hearts...
"Momma, I'm worried that people aren't getting packed."
"What do you mean buddy? What does it mean to be packed?"
"Well, I'm happy the Saxtons and the Phelps are getting packed."
"How do you get packed buddy?"
"I pray. And we should take the Torah."
So there you have it folks...wisdom from a 10 year old...we all should be packing, (praying and studying ALL of His Word) for Yeshua is coming soon and so is MUCH deception.