by Sharon Manning
Slowly working through Acts—in 4:36,37 I saw Barnabus (not his real name but an alias- a nickname given Joses by the apostles because he was such a comfort to others.) Nudged by GOD, Barnabus did what GOD showed him to do- he sold some land and laid the $ at the apostles feet for them to use for the needs of others.
But in the next verses (5:1-3) we see a couple who saw what Barnabus did and the attention he got and wanting so nuch to be noticed and admiredthey followed his lead and sold some land. Putting aside part of the $ for a rainy day (not quite able to trust GOD to meet their needs) they laid the rest of the $ at the feet of the apostles but pretended that it was the total sum received for their land. In this they sinned by lying to the Holy Spirit and since this was the infant Church that had to be taught the need for purity even before performance—our GOD, the GOD of truth took immediate action in judgment- to set an example for these new believers of the need for truth.
There are many things seen here but what hit me this time around was the total opposite reasons for action in Barnabus and Ananias. Both men did the same thing- sold a piece of land but their motives were so different. Barnabus did what GOD wanted and told him to do. Now to be fair, Ananias may have also wanted to meet the needs around him but his lie nullified the good and showed another underlying motive- that of wanting to be noticed and admired.

I was convicted as I thought on this for GOD brought to my awareness an episode- a reaction within me that showed that sometimes I act to be accepted by man.
I Samuel 16:7 Man looks on the outward appearance but GOD looks on the heart.
LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, YOU know all things and in this I praise YOU. Thank YOU for YOUR faithfulness to me to expose this underlying sin in my heart. Forgive me and set me free. YOU know that I really want to do YOUR will, to act when YOU nudge me and speak only what YOU tell me to say. Help me, LORD, according to YOUR promise that YOU who calls me will also do it. I ask in the name of JESUS.
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