by Jim Shirley
The Torah is the same Path that Yeshua followed. It is the same path that Yeshua led his original followers. I have said this over and over ... Yeshua was a Torah observant, tallit wearing, synagogue attending, Sabbath and feast-keeping, kosher Jew who observed the seven commanded holy days. Most will agree with me on that. Fact is Most of the Christian Church teach that The Torah is NOT for them. In doing so they have disenfranchised their members and have led them down the broad path instead of the narrow path. Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate." The Narrow and Wide Gates - “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction". We all need to return to Our Biblical Roots, we need the Truth of a purer understanding of Our faith. His Word is Truth, Man has distorted and destroyed His Truth. Many are still asleep, now is the time to wake up. Everyone is walking some road to some destination, even if you seem to be sitting still. You may not be moving in space, but you are nonetheless moving in time, and you will one day reach an inevitable destination, the grave. The only question in that case is whether you will arrive with anything to show for it. Everyone choose either the wide path or the narrow path. Which do you choose? Some think the journey is just for sight-seeing, so it doesn't much matter where they may ultimately be headed. Some just simply have no clue and follow the masses. Why does it matter? Yeshua says in His own words that you are going to find out one day, and then it will be too late. The straight and narrow path is the path of every Torah Believer. It is not a burden another has laid upon you. It is the burden of your own greatness and giftedness that you may sometimes feel like shirking. And that always remains an option. You can always slough off your destiny and join the mediocre crowd heedlessly careening down the path of least resistance. There are also those who want to be on both paths ... no matter how many times they hear the truth they continue to play on both roads. Even though it may seem like you have all the time in the world to change direction, as indeed you may, the way things go, it will become much too difficult to disentangle yourself from all the associations and commitments you will accumulate along the way you have chosen. You just can't realistically go back and start over, much less walk both paths at the same time. There's not enough of you to go around. You have to choose one path to be able to go on any path at all.
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