Tuesday, May 26, 2015


by Jeannie Ladd

For what purpose does YHVH open our eyes to the truth of His whole Word, when we come to understand that Torah was NOT done away with, but is still relevant today, as it has always been?
Is it to give us knowledge to puff us up? Is it to beat people with? Is it to disregard as Christianity has done for 1700 years?
I have watched a disturbing trend among those who would call themselves Torah obedient or Torah keepers.
There seems to be a blatant disregard for the REQUIREMENT to obey. There is still such a mindset that it's all just too difficult to keep, that we don't NEED to anymore, etc., etc.
So then, what is the purpose in Him opening our eyes, if we just remain unchanged, still thinking that obedience is not REQUIRED?
If Yisrael was divided and scattered because of disobedience, what makes us different? Did YHVH change?? Is He guilty of keeping differing weights and measures, which scripture tells us He hates??
Yeshua changed NONE of the requirements for obedience, NONE!!!! That is NOT why He died!!
I submit to you, that if He opened your eyes, He called you to change!! To Teshuva to Him, His Ways!!! To OBEY!!!
Because we have seen, we are held to a greater accountability!!
I didn't post this to condemn or argue with anyone, but to challenge each and everyone of us. Yeshua died to redeem us, to RETURN, not to remain in our sin. He is calling the First Fruits. Will we obey?? We MUST deny ourselves, die to our own way. We must work out our salvation, endure to the end. Yeshua is the door, but we first have to walk the path to the door.
We MUST have BOTH.
Then יהושע said to His taught ones, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his stake, and follow Me.
Matthew 16:24
And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of Elohim AND possessing the witness of יהושע Messiah.
Revelation 12:17

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