Sunday, September 11, 2016

Justification Before the Law

I'm not sure who wrote this, but it is too good and very timely . . .

Sinners who come before YAH’s throne either receive grace (justification) or suffer the judgment of the law. This simply means that the sinner must know how to legally appeal his case before the throne (the bar of justice in the divine court). Since we are all sinners worthy of judgment, that is what we will receive unless we know the lawful way to obtain grace. Grace means acquittal or forgiveness in spite of the crimes (sins) we have committed.
When the charges are read to us in YAH’s court, how will we plead our case? Many Christians will tell the Judge, “Your Honor, there is no law against those sins; don’t you recall that you repealed those laws at the Cross? ‘Where no law is, there is no transgression’ (Rom. 4:15). You cannot judge me, because all laws were repealed, thus all things are now lawful.”
The Judge may answer you like this: “I told you that I came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it (Matt. 5:17). I told Paul that I did not make void the law through faith (Rom. 3:31). I told John that sin is still the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). I have always told you that I would judge sin. Did you really think you could continue in sin that grace may abound (Rom. 6:1)? Never did I make sin lawful. I only changed the forms by which men may obtain grace when they sin. Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity (lawlessness).”
To obtain grace, a sinner must answer in a way such as this: “Your Honor, I admit that I am a sinner, that I am guilty as charged of violating your law. I repent of my lawless attitude, thinking I could sin with immunity. I confess that you are just in all your ways and may justly sentence me to death (Rom. 6:23). However, YAHUSHA already paid the full penalty for my sins, and I have accepted His provision. The law is thus fully satisfied, for my debt has been paid.”
The Judge will answer: “Let the record show that this man’s sins have already been paid for in full. Therefore, this court extends grace to him and releases him. He is no longer under the law, but under grace. Go and sin no more.”
If a criminal shows no remorse or repentance for his sins and thinks that he somehow has a license to sin with immunity, YAH will not extend grace to him. He is attempting to obtain grace in an unlawful manner—by putting away the law. The Bible calls this “lawlessness” (Greek anomia). YAH does not acquit the guilty by repealing His law; He acquits by upholding the law and paying its full penalty Himself. Never was the law upheld and respected more than when YAHUSHA died on the Cross to pay the full penalty that it had prescribed for our sins.

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